
Yes. Compressed air can have an acceleration effect on an-otherwise un-tethered body, I suppose, but to send a full grown man “spinning wildly out of control?”  OK, we’ll go with that…  Count him as dead.  No way he makes it out of the freighter and to the surface without blacking out…


So is that two down and one to go?  And we still don’t know who they are and what they are up to!  No chance to assess guilt or innocence, even in the Trailian sense of the words… Wrong place, wrong time, I guess…

The Arrow… She flies true…

Or does an arrow fly in the water??  Or is it a harpoon? Or an ‘arpoon?


The sound made by said ‘arpoon as it hits the breathing tank of supposed villain?  TOONK… we certainly can’t have it impaling the poor fellow…  no blood here kids!  Just massively inconveniencing and frustrating the bad guys- that’s what Mark has always been good at…  at least they know how to breathe

Apparenly not breathing… still

There has been nary a bubble emanating from our hero’s regulator for quite a few days now…  that’s quite a trick, Mark…


And as the door handle goes from 6 o’clock to 9 o’clock and the door begins to open, we are all holding our breath… As Mark balances the spear on his thumb (advanced technique??) and takes careful aim, this intruder must know he’s in the bulls-eye…

Well… Thanks for clearing that up!

Yes!  They must be here to retrieve the nuclear material… there could be no other possible explanation…  therefore they all must… die

Meanwhile, what’s happening with Ken on board el barco de cigarrillos?  Has he been taken out?  Has he taken a powder?  Is Mark all alone??


Taking an informal poll of the dozen or so people reading this:  does your inner monologue ever include the word “clearly?”

Yup… a little Thunderball Action…

Well, depending on how fast this poor schlub can mke it out of the boat and to the surface, he may be as good as dead anyway…  and rest assured Mark’s advantage of surprise is no longer his when this guy zooms past his fellow henchmen on his way to the surface…


So with a SNIP and a THUD, Mark has one less foe to worry about, and perhaps one more weapon in his arsenal… that snappy air powered harpoon launcher, locked and loaded.  The only bad thing about this scene is that there’s no chance for monologues or stilted dialogue…

He’s shedding layers by the minute!

Is it just me? Or do we see our hero’s bare arm in the second panel?  Hiding behind the aft bulkhead door, he is ready to ambush the other diver… which again he assumes to be his enemy…  heck could be another recreational diver, right?  I mean, what evidence does Mark have that this guy or his diving buddies are up to anything?  Sure, a harpoon grazed him, but that’s easily explainable…  In a world where hand signals are your only form of communication, misunderstandings must abound!


Sure is an awful lot of ambient light inside the ship, too…

Two go in…

…and none come out…  they don’t know who they are dealing with do they??  And I am not sure what, if any, element of surprise is on Mark’s side, since they just saw him go in the boat…  didn’t they?  This is really disturbing. People have died in the Trailverse, usually at the hands of some animal- be it an Angry Elk or a Pissed-off Rhino, but Mark has only ever punched people which has generally not led to death…


But even if Mark takes care of the two,  that leaves the one standing (floating?) guard outside the freighter…

Take them out? One by one?

I had to study this for a minute and look back…  Mark is not using the Commando Cody full body suit that Leslie Joyce provided- his legs are bare!  And have been for the last few “days” he has been under water… so Armed with the harpoon that narrowly missed him, his big plan is to commit murder- on people he doesn’t even know…  wow.  Vigilantism at its best, without regard for due-process or anything resembling an extended thought-process…


What a cold-hearted SOB you’ve become, Mark… poke, poke, stab, stab, and then what?  The Evil Yacht lies above, menacing your (fast) rental boat and its second mate… and I am guessing they might be somewhat put out once they realize that you have done away with their compliment of henchmen…

Well, for starters, they have probably already seen you…

Unless that was a random spear shot that got launched your way in the previous installment…  And second, don’t breathe!  Your bubble “Trail” will be a dead give-away!


Mark I think it’s OK for you to talk to Ken… The bad guys down there wouldn’t be able to hear you on your own intercom…  and are they wearing radioactive-proof suits?  At least that would give an indication of their knowledge and intentions…

Stranger Danger!!

Leave it to Mark Trail to stumble onto an international terrorist ring bent on making dirty bombs with the Cobalt-60!  A well funded international terrorist ring judging by the yacht they are tooling around in…


So with the ever-popular “What Th-?!” coming from the Trail-brain, we are left to wonder until Monday who this is and what they are doing…  They are certainly not friendlies and are somehow hooked up with that thug in the dive-shop who clearly dimed on them… Who can you trust in this world?  Apparently no one…