As if he were anticipating the question…

…”where the hell did they get the wood to build the fire??”  And for the record, I am already Honey’d and Darling’d out…


Oh an what a whale it is!  A lovely Sperm Whale!  In its southern habitat, apparently.  And speaking of whales and whaling, and since this (back) story is crawling along, I will take the time to recommend a movie- The Heart of the Sea, starring Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and directed by Ron Howard.  It’s the story of what led up to the sinking of the Essex at the hand (so to speak) of Moby Dick (who did not have a name at that point) and what happened to the crew, who spent 90 days afterward in open boats trying to find land…  The Herman Melville character drives the movie, convincing the surviving cabin boy, now an older man, to tell the tale so he could adapt it for his famous novel… “Call me Ishmael…”  4 out of 5 stars…

Sound Plan…

No even a blanket?  C’mon, Darling, that just means there will be sand in all the wrong places… kinda rough, don’t you think??  I’m beginning to think that their names are really “Honey” and “Darling…”


Thank you for having a Crew on board- at least a captain…  that’s 80 feet of waterline, and it would take a crew to sail her…  nice Boston Whaler as the tender… twin engine… never know when you might need the backup…

Well, I stand corrected… weigh (or heave or take up) anchor means the opposite of what I said yesterday… as in “Anchors aweigh…” “Drop or Cast Anchor” is entirely accurate!!

I guess we just leave Mark and company floating in an unnamed estuary…

Darling and Honey (and they are still calling each other that after what must be many days at sea..) are busy making plans to drop anchor, weigh the tender, and motor to this “tiny island” to have “lunch on the beach.” What could possibly go wrong?? Apparently these two haven’t seen the movies where sharks and other such creatures seek revenge on those who would dare ply the sea…  not to mention undiscovered, primitive civilizations calling uncharted tiny islands “home…”


Not that I really care where this is going or how on earth this relates to Mark, Carina and Gabe, but we have to remember that this is happening two years in the past, and for some reason that matters…

Meanwhile let’s enjoy the splendor of two rich white people and their impeccable oral hygiene…  and watch while they make their way ashore- toward what will surely be a destiny they did not foresee…

In the words of Mark Trail…

“What th-?”

content 06272016

Now we are time traveling… certainly an author’s prerogative…  as we listen in on the 0.01% and how they live their lives…  Remember the show “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?”  Remember how Robin Leach (how ironic!) would give us a glimpse into how the 1% lives!  Remember Dallas!  Remember Dynasty!  Oh how we would tune in… what’s interesting is that all this display of excess and opulence engendered zero disdain- no talk of inequality… we were just happy to be able to look in on their exciting lives…


I got news for you, sweetheart, your little cruise isn’t going to end any time soon… according to the distance calculator, you are 4,381 miles away from New Zealand…  Hell, it’s only 2,400 miles from Seattle to Brooklyn…  let’s hope you are well provisioned…

H to NZ

So, “soon”is a relative concept- perhaps compared to circumnavigating the entire globe…

Well, I knew we’d get around to immigration again…

If the good professor is right, and they are in the Rio Grande River, and if they follow mark’s advice, (which has never let them down in the past, right??)  they will swim to the shore that is in Los Estados Undios.  Doubting that they have any documentation at all, they will run into authorities and Mark will be left to go about his business… maybe even Carina, since they both look “American.”  But not Gabe.  Without documentos para passaporte, he will be taken back to the Mexican side of the river and well, that will be the end of him…


Sorry if that’s a big spoiler, gang… let’s hope there’s another story in store… maybe even run into Jose and Jefe!  Now that would be awesome!!

Oh Thank Goodness…

Not that I was terribly worried about Carina and Gabe, but not having them pop up would have added months to the story line…  A classic “What Th-?” from Mark…


I love that Mark calls out Carina’s name with a single exclamation point… and Gabe’s with a combination exclamation point and question mark, as in, ” What the Hell, Fatty?  I can’t seem to shake you, can I?”

So here we are kids, in the middle of the Gulf of California (my guess at this point) and here’s hoping that they can all swim.  Not sure I have seen any coast line since they popped up out of the water…

Toast. Mexican Toast.

Travel all the way from where you were to the Gulf of Mexico?  (George Atkins called that one…) Apparently so.  Recall that we were placed somewhere in the Chihuahuan Desert, presumably the part that juts into Texas, and even if we were in the western-most tip, it’s 100+ km to the ocean…


But yes, in world where time moves slowly and quickly at the same time, so can three intrepids cover such a distance in an underground cave system full of (mostly) unexplained light, water, gypsum, cliffs and whatnot…

But let’s consider the chances of Mark finding the exact spot he burbled up, the hole he popped through, and his ability to lead “the authorities” Hotty and Fatty… And let’s imagine the “authorities” dropping everything they are doing and, at great expense, mount a search and rescue mission.  More likely they will ask Mark for his Passport and lacking that he will be thrown into a Mexican Jail…   Let’s hope that they, like Mark, chose to hold their breath to the point of aching lungs on the chance that they too can find their way to the ocean.

Like I said…

What body of water could this possible be??  And what hair product does Mark use to ensure that nary a lock is out of place, even after swimming underwater??


I am glad that the bubbles in panel one are being created by Mark exhaling, and not some giant school of fish collectively breaking wind…  Well, the adventure’s not over, kids, the other two (can’t bring myself to type their names…) have to find there way out without dying and Mark has to find his way to shore… that should only take another month or two…


Although I will say that this is better than looking at Mark, Gabe or Corina, which is all we’ve been subjected to for months…  But what does the symbolism mean?  The soaring hawk indicates that Mark maybe floating on the surface… the Lantern Fish suggests that he has sunken to the very depths of the ocean.  But of course we started in the desert of West Texas, so which ocean are we talking about here?  How far have they walked??


In the Dodd/Elrod era, every daily strip had a picture of a wilderness creature- a bit of wildlife.  James Allen has gotten away from that, so I guess we get a triple dose today!!

Hold your breath(s) everyone!!