Oh thank goodness…

Cherry’s got her red highlights back


And Cherry, by that private thought I assume that you are comparing this experience to other vacations like the trip tot he Great Dismal Swamp (BOOOOOM!) or some awful wind-swept and  bug-ridden canoe trip… So with umbrella drink in hand and bikini-ready body on display, Cherry is quite happy to be doing absolutely nothing…

But of course Mark is already bored and wants to go rent a couple of boards!  Why not challenge the famous surf and dangerous rip-tides?

Anyone else getting uncomfortable?

This is getting creepy.  The thought of Mark and Cherry Trail sharing the “King’s Cottage” is more than I can fathom… I wasn’t following things terribly closely when they finally tied the knot, but I can only imagine the honeymoon involved camping and canvas…  with maybe even Rusty (adopted ward) and Andy (the Saint Bernard) along for the ride…  For years (decades) it appeared that Mark avoided any form of intimacy with Cherry and now he’s (willingly) heading right into the maw… Am I the only one that is nervous about this whole thing??


Bonus points for Cherry in knowing that it’s a conch shell being sounded…  all that time watching NatGeo or the Discovery Channel at Lost Forest is paying dividends!  But of course Mark has to rain on her parade… like she didn’t also know that doormen in Hawaii are generally shirtless and use such native gestures to welcome visitors!

Footnote- I googled ‘Rusty Trail’ and it would appear that this is not a common search combo for Google, at least not in reference to the adopted son of Mark and Cherry…

rusty google 2

Obviously there are many other more important things going on, mostly having to do with the unwanted oxidation of iron…

Where Elvis, Frankie and Bing hung out…

The Coco Palms Resort…  Ripe with History going back to the 1800’s when the grove was planted… later to be the set for the Elvis Presley movie, Blue Hawaii.  Hurricane Iniki wiped it out in the early 90’s and has been deserted ever since.  It is scheduled to be re-opened in 2017 as a Hyatt resort…  I guess Mark and Cherry are A-listers who were invited to experience a soft opening, or something like that… Careful at the beach, guys, Wailua is know for poor water quality and dangerous rip-tides!


Well that was a lot of research for a Wednesday morning… but I have never been to our 50th state (that’s right… Alaska is the 49th…) and for the first time I realize that Hawaii, which became a state in 1959, wasn’t even a state when the attack on Pearl Harbor happened.  Huh.

In 1893, a group of American expatriates and sugar planters supported by a division of U.S. Marines deposed Queen Liliuokalani, the last reigning monarch of Hawaii. One year later, the Republic of Hawaii was established as a U.S. protectorate with Hawaiian-born Sanford B. Dole as president. Many in Congress opposed the formal annexation of Hawaii, and it was not until 1898, following the use of the naval base at Pearl Harbor during the Spanish-American War, that Hawaii’s strategic importance became evident and formal annexation was approved. Two years later, Hawaii was organized into a formal U.S. territory. During World War II, Hawaii became firmly ensconced in the American national identity following the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941.

Same old story I guess…  back when invading and conquering was an accepted way to expand one’s territory…  But then without this act of colonial aggression BHO couldn’t have become our 44th president…  And with that I may have set a record for the greatest number of links in a single post…

We know so little about Mark…

…and where he comes from… so for all we know he comes from money- sort of Bruce-Wayne-like… which would explain how he can afford to live the life of a career dilettante…  posing as a Nature Writer, but able to go wherever he wants and rent the fanciest of cars  (Porsche 911??)… it was about time he brought Cherry in on the secret…


But wait!  I thought Honey was dead!  Mark, you sure get around!  What a cad!  Telling Cherry that she is going on a (an?) Hawaiian Vacation only to leave her stranded with Rusty, Doc, and Andy in Lost Forest…

Well it’s only a matter of weeks before Abbey and Mark run into each other and then Mark will have some “splaining” to do…  and we can get on with this “fire ants ruined the island” story…

Well, she appears none worse for the wear…

Abbey reminds us that her glasses are not just for show, which we learned in the last story she was featured.  We are also reminded that she doesn’t go anywhere without vials, empty or otherwise…


But thanks to Mainer7, for those of us, including me, not paying as close enough attention, for the answer to the ant-as-invasive species riddle…


Remember??  Well I hadn’t…  nice work!

ant wood

Which of course begs the question as to why Honey and Darling’s yacht had a cache of firewood on it…  Because they assumed they’d run into a deserted island and need fuel for a romantic sleep-over, or because the ship had a working, wood-burning fireplace?  Or why the entire boat wasn’t infested with ants…so many questions!

But I also recall that Darling got bit by something as he was toting the wood…


And I had assumed that he had been bit on the toe or something… but clearly I was wrong about that too…

Boy, it’s difficult to admit, but I am certainly not doing a very good job of keeping up with these story lines…  thanks again, Mainer7, for shining a light on this most complicated situation!

UGH… And this continues to leave us wondering…

…whether the only plot device available to Mark Trail these days is putting human beings in peril…  Whatever happened to the eco-villains?  The poachers? The rapers of scenery?  Those who would enrich themselves in ways contrary to the Trailian world view??


Not sure whether I could form full sentences if I were hurtling down a rock face, but I guess this is better that a sustained “AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!”

So as Abbey lies on her back in repose, or in a Pilates stretch maneuver, we are led to believe that she is OK, otherwise she couldn’t be wise-cracking at this point…

Such Strong Language!!

It takes tremendous discipline to not let fly with really dark oaths- especially when you are all alone and it’s just you, the sky and some stinging ants that probably hurt like hell!  I know from my own garden- upset a hill and they will climb up  your leg and start doing their worst!!


And it would appear that the ants are venomous as Abbey’s hand in panel one is swelling with each bite!!  And what makes Abbey such an expert on what should and shouldn’t be on the island?  Did she study extensively on “native” flora and fauna prior to arriving?  And what makes something native vs. invasive??  Isn’t it all just a matter of perspective?  I mean, any person in the United States of European descent is by definition invasive, not to mention the “First peoples” who walked the land bridge out of Alaska to populate what is now the lower 48…  So chill out, Blondie- and just admit that you are in over your head and that gravity is about to win!

By the way… I love your comments!  Keep ’em coming!!

The Ants Go Marching Two-by-Two…

hurrah, hurrah?  Well, this is certainly random…


As is the idea that the birds, nature, if you will, (which we know always finds a way) will be better off in Abbey’s rosin pouch that on its own, dealing with a little “Ant Invasion…”


Friendly and fearless finches?  That’s great alliteration…  Perhaps Abbey is completely read-up on the Bird Lore Audubon Guides…  But Abbey, are you now prepared to re-locate them?  Find them a new nest where the ants haven’t taken over the neighborhood?  What exactly is your plan?  Start a gofundme page to help support their relocation and study the invasive nature of the ants and determine what the birds are doing there in the first place?

What? Are you going to ask it?

As Abbey scales the rocky rocks, she is nothing if not focused on that bird!  And it seems that she is just as intent on determining its origins.  It’s a mystery to me how she will do that, as birds don’t speak and couldn’t understand her questions anyway…


My but what risks these Trailians take in there leisure time!  Recall Mark also free climbs in his spare time to “relax,” much to the chagrin of Cherry.  And if Abbey is going to become a recurring character, then she is also protected by the same force that Mark is- that no harm will come to her regardless of what peril she faces.  There’s worse than that fate for those less fortunate!!

I wonder if the real Abbey Powell has to sign off on what her character does.  Is there some kind of agreement that one signs where a likeness of you (right down to your first and last name) is put in the funny papers??  And this isn’t the first time Mr. Allen has pulled from real life… recall that he brought congressman Trey Gowdy into the story at the end of the Rhino Horn adventure?

Well, kids, I will be away for a day, but fear not, I will catch up Thursday morning!!



How convenient…

Whilst sunning herself on the beach of a deserted island, Abbey Powell just happens to have her free-climbing gear along…  special shoes, shorts shirt and of course the belt pouch that holds the rosin for her fingertips.  Just what you’d expect from a French and Sociology/Anthropology major working for the USDA… But she does have Peace Corps experience… if only in a Marketing capacity.


I wonder where she got her sunglasses with the blue tint, though.  Very stylish.  As mentioned here, they are of little practical use and used mostly to ‘look good…’  How terribly un-Trail…