Family Feud

Time to wrap this up, kids…

What? I thought there was just one “Fist of Justice!

Waaa, waaa, waaa, waaaaaaaaaa….. With violence clearly established as a plot device, we go for laughs any way we can… Will Mark wear the cross-hatches indefinitely? Will Cherry’s shiner ever recede? Will there soon become a “BikBok” outlet for family struggles and other poor behavior? Stay tuned for the next installment of “Mark Trail, Eco-pugilist…”

Opossum we will go…

Forgive the gap, Campers, these weeks get away from your (sometimes) faithful scribe… Let’s start with the Sunday educational moment (And yes, the Opossums earlier were a tip-off…)

Prehensile Tail, huh? “Capable of Grasping.” Have to admit I have heard the word but wasn’t sure what it meant…

So, while I wasn’t “playing Opossum” with this blog, I do find it easier to take in chunks… so here we go!

Mr. Trail, tear down that wall! Well, I guess all’s well now, despite the toxic algae build up?

Oh, Rusty, there you are, in all your glory! Teenager making with the mischief on the Social Media… And Rusty must be home-schooled, since I am sure that Lord of the Flies has been put on the ‘do not read’ list…

Interesting! When we were first introduced to Marcus Happy Trail III, we saw the lineage… and as far as we knew, he descended from biology, not adoption. Looks more like cloning, but what the heck. But the fact that the young Marcus looks more like the original Rusty than the latter day rusty looks like the original Rusty, this just has me confused… help!

I thought the “SNAP” was already on Rusty’s hoodie! But no, he just broke the head off from the mount. Happy not so happy about the Boat! Final frame, cue laugh track… and scene

The house is much bigger on the inside!!

Is it me, or did we suddenly travel to a new house? The Modest Ranch we encountered upon the green-wood-paneled Station Wagon’s arrival has suddenly blossomed into a grand foyer (pronounced foy-ay) complete with trophies… surprised there isn’t a stuffed manatee somewhere…

Meanwhile, Jolly and his daughter, who happens to be an attorney, plead their case about the “taking” and discrimination vis-à-vis their land…

Ha! Plot thickens! You are a mean old chiseler, Happy Trail! Admit it!

Apparently Mark want nothing to do with what is going on right now, even though it’s the reason for his being there- to write an article…

But what Mark does determine causes Happy to go all zombie in the eyes… and admit that he is mean and alone in this world…

Like I said, Mark and Happy must not talk much… A lot of water under the bridge, so to speak, and years of not seeing each other… could this be the beginning? Maybe even the end of this little yarn? Nice (O)possum!

Well Campers…

…time to get back at it.

The foreshadowing of the insects on the windshield… should have seen that coming…

…as more than the prodigal return…

Clearly Happy and Mark have not been in touch for a while… as Happy’s greatest fear- a grandson- makes itself known…

But onto the lesson, and I was wrong- it’s not about owls:

By the time we are done here, we will know more about Florida than we probably all care to know! But hang on, kids, we are about to witness a flashback

Mark, as a youth, getting the heck outa Dodge? Haunted by one’s past! Can’t be much fun!


With Foxy Lady checking in on Mark’s progress, and strangely no mention of the boat-splosions that were no doubt all over the social media, Mark gets back to what? Work?

Have to admit I have never seen a green wood-sided station wagon…

Like I said, the story of the prodigal son (and I’m not scholar, I assure you) has to do with competition between sons for their father’s affections- one staying home and doing his duty, the other (prodigal) going off in the world to sow his oats, only to return, where his arrival is greeted with great joy, fatted calf, etc… Is there another son? Mark’s Brother that we haven’t met?

OK, now this is getting all meta… The ‘Mark Trail’ we knew and loved is now ‘Happy Trail’ and his son (with Cherry, Andy, Rusty and Doc) is now Mark Trail? Is this an episode of “Lost?”

You’re confused??

How about your faithful fanbase? Or what’s left of it??

Mark, you are a little bit underdressed for the casino, aren’t you? But then dress codes aren’t what they used to be… Seems like Mark and Cherry have been keeping quite a bit from each other…

Recall $20,000 is the cost of the inpatient treatment that Cherry’s mom needs to get her Borderline Personality Disorder sorted… At least Rusty has company now! Never swim alone!

Mark if you are thinking of your father, then I think you better think again… Unless there is another character to introduce in this unwieldy plot line…

And, OH! I missed the Sunday Lesson: Owls!

Swimming alone?

In what was a world replete with protagonists making sound, defendable choices, we now find ourselves running downhill with scissors in our hands… Sort of like Slylock Fox, “Find what’s wrong in this picture…”

Rusty swimming alone, Cherry hanging out in a casino, Mark leaving “Trails” of destruction, Cherry battling (literally) her family demons…

I predict that we will be learning about Owls this Sunday…

Teaser in the Tree

The cicada… more Florida Fauna. I guess the plan is to go deep wherever we happen to find ourselves…

Return to Rusty… the gangly youth. And the return of Mark, still no authorities in tow…

And as we might have expected, Mark is now the darling of the inter-webs… His dream of picking up followers growing nigh.

Haha, young man. Show a little respect, you know? or not… What’s with the Owls? Is the Owl Inn?