Well, Oh My…

Hey Becky, all Cherry asked for was a brief description of the Good Doctor’s discovery…


You don’t have to get all… well… raven-haired and bedroom-eyes sultry about it…   And as far as female assistants go, you certainly leave Carina in the dust…  Oh man, remember the months spent in the bioluminescent cave?  Ahhh! No!!!!!

And speaking of temples, Mark finds them all the time!  What’s the big deal here??

Hey- hold on on a darn minute here… I just noticed something… What’s Mark got in his right hand?  Is that a small pitcher of coffee creamer?  What Th-?! Mark has taken his coffee black since time immemorial… What is going on here?!


What… Is she Rusty’s Babysitter?

As we listen in on the post-dinner prattle… with Mrs. Corday calling the play by play, as if no one else at the table saw what excited the youths…


…we find that Mara and Rusty have indeed stolen away…


…only to find that Mara is about a head taller than Rusty!  Poor lad!  Life is so cruel… He’ll crush on her hopefully, only to have his affections go unrequited…


I guess they packed only swim trunks…

Considering that Mark and Cherry are wearing the same shirt/top that they traveled in, one has to wonder whether they have multiple instances of the same ensemble, or if they truly didn’t think to pack any other clothes?  Not to mention that the resort has no air conditioning, Mark’s gotta be sweltering in that long-sleeve, chamois-cloth number!  And after the 90 minute cab ride (also probably without air conditioning) it’s bound to be a little ripe…


So… we meet Archaeologist and Assistant (A little May-December going on there??) as well as Mara’s mother (Father apparently in the loo or simply off Camera- maybe filming?)  We know it’s Mara’s mother since the hair color is a match… She recalls going gray at an early age too… and refuses to color it!

A second look at Assistant Becky suggests that there might be a relation to Kelly Welly, the erstwhile siren of Trail’s-past who wanted only to gain Mark’s respect by scooping him on a story, all the while placing Mark in compromising situations vis-a-vis Cherry…

Mark_Trail 12-13-10

At Least the Birds are In on the Joke…

As the stilted and unlikely dialogue continues, we find out the names of the other characters in this current story arc…  And it seems the birds in the second panel are going along with it.  I can’t for the life and Google in me figure out what they are, though… a little help??


No, not the dreaded  Jim (for reasons unknown**) but rather Becky…  And so far Dr. Carter doesn’t have a first name…  (**oh, wait- a reference to Marlin Creed’s assistant!)

Do we know Marlin Creed?  Oh, yea… How soon we forget… the dude from the Zoo!  Cherry was clearly NOT IMPRESSED with Marlin’s tactics…

Thirty years?!  Mark, you are 35 years old…  Did you meet him when you were in kindergarten?  And for that matter, what is the Mark Trail backstory?  We know shockingly little about the Young Mark Trail, where he was spawned and what landed him in his current life…  I can see it now… a new strip- Young Mark Trail– Wouldn’t that be ripping?


Alone again, naturally…

As the camera pans back to feature a struggle between a mutated Scorpion and a juvenile Komodo Dragon (Indigenous or Invasive??) we see Mark, alone with Cherry, continuing to share “who’s coming to dinner…”


And are we to assume that Doctor Carter (PhD) is the Archaeologist that Rusty referred to on the plane when speaking to Mara?  And speaking of Rusty and Mara, where the heck did they toddle off to?? Not to mention everyone else?  Back to their Mai Tai’s and revelry now that the whale has been saved?

Whoa… Cherry… Do you have a past?  Was Jim a Jilted Lover?  Is the world really that small?

Red Hair! Blue Hair!!

Let’s make up our minds, here!!


Mark has the BLUE highlights!! Please!

I am absolutely fascinated by all the different expressions that Rusty has been allowed to show through this story!  A regular Jim Carrey!

many Rusty

OK… I know!  too much Rusty!!  From eager to suave to perplexed to mind blown…


Don’t Worry, Rusty…

…it’s only natural to be mortified by your parents’ actions… it’s part of the plan- the plan that will get you to leave the nest at some point.  Except that you are locked in a world where no one actually ages… what hell… OK if you are perpetually in your mid thirties, but what if you are forever twelve years old?  Ick.  Awkward.  Voice cracking.  Confused.


And I will say it one more time… What’s with the mane of silver hair on Mara?  She’s of course drawn to be fetching, but the gray mop continues to be confusing, at least to me…

Isn’t she… um, running toward them??

Or perhaps she is spinning in place, wanting to display her bikini-ready form in what her mother has covered with a sensible tankini…


Or maybe she’s blind? We certainly didn’t get that impression on the plane… And where are her parents?  Hopefully just off camera.  I wouldn’t want my daughter roaming the beaches all by herself…

So as Rusty and Cherry have a conversation about Mara, (like she’s not within earshot of them talking,) Rusty ponders the imponderable and Cherry strongly encourages him to “go say hello…”  So go on, boy… time to make a friend!

I see the blowhole, but where are the eyes??

An’ a-one-a an’ a-two-a… into the water goes the whale.  Glad we didn’t drag that one out longer than it needed to be…


Now it’s time for some mea culpas…


What’s Mark doing in the first panel  The twist??  Working on his 7 minute abs?  Mr. Racing Stripes is feeling a bit sheepish about having doubted Mark, although he still hasn’t the foggiest idea who he’s dealing with…  I find it annoying anytime someone calls me “Buddy.”  I mean, how hard is it to introduce yourself and learn names??