When you are right, you’re right. And you are right!

Good gravy… should I create a new category called “Rusty Reads?


It used to be that these turnarounds in Lost Forest consisted of a little slap and tickle, a phone call, and Mark would be off again on another assignment…  Now we are subjected to the not so terribly interesting lives of Mark and Cherry, featuring opinions and public service messages…

Uhhh… James…?

Not only is this a waste of ink and time…


…but I swear we have been here before…


…Mark whining about online trolling… Hopefully Cherry sees the voodoo warrior doll off camera, and while Mark continues to prattle on about his hurt feelings (wait… he has them now?  Oh that’s right- just for himself…) The little guy pops out and spears him in the buttocks!


Struck a nerve, have we?


“Comments?”  “Rusty reads the Comments?”  Mark sits up straight as an arrow, the Primitive Trailian brain kicks in, all fight or flight…


Awww… Mopey Mark… are people making fun of you on line?  Just wait ’til that Raven swoops down and plucks out your eyeball!  Then you will know pain!  The pain we all feel day to day and we wend our way through you world…

Yee haw?

I have to wonder, along with how Mark keeps so clean-shaven, is who keeps the Lost Forest grounds so tidy?  Is there an army of gnomes that pops out of the woods and cuts and trims and makes sure that all the stones lining the drives are in place?  Must be.  It’s an otherwise magical place, so I would suggest that as a highly probable explanation.


And is there a happier place on the planet than Lost Forest?  Andy bears witness to the joy as he canters along-side Mark and Cherry… Dogs are a great barometer of the mood they are surrounded by…  and Andy is beaming!

I think Cherry is on a hunger strike…

I mean, just look at her…  she just gets thinner and thinner…


“At his age?”  Doc (and everyone else in the Trailverse) has been the same age for years (decades) now…  Mark and Cherry are the only ones who got the other-than-shit-end of that stick.  Rusty locked in perpetual pre-pubescence, Doc a Sept- or Octogenarian…  Andy of course is ageless…  what is he in dog years?  Who cares, really…

Yeah…. Let’s take a walk

As Mark continues to search his true feelings about JJ (Really?  We need to let this go…) Cherry is (once again) showing her patience and stamina with what must be a very challenging marriage…


What’s with Andy?  Doesn’t he want to go for walkies too?  “No,” says the Big Dog…  “The porch is just fine…”

Cherry, “Doc” is “Dad” to you… or have you forgotten?

Of course Mark couldn’t just let this one go…

Yup, we all know…


You don’t mess with old Rex


…and there is always “the telling” after a trip away from the homestead.


But I wonder if there has been time for laundry?  Or a change of clothing?  Or does Mark have 12 pink chamois cloth shirts in his closet?  Someday, just some day, I would appreciate seeing Mark in a different color combo… And Cherry, oh Cherry…  that profile you are striking reminds me of those oh so classy (classic?) mud-flaps one sees on a semi-truck, or a duely pickup with a scrotal sack hanging from the trailer hitch