Jeez, Cherry, just let it go…

Mark needs to get his high cheekbones and chiseled chin the hell away from Lost Forest, alone this time.  Like GEICO saving you 15% on car insurance, it’s what he does.  It’s what his readers want…


Whoa… now you just wait a minute, there, Doc.  We call you “Doc” because you are a VET, not an MD… can you even be legally administering a tetanus shot to a human being?  Why don’t you just go ahead and layer on a vaccine for Rabies and Distemper while you are at it? And unless the Bear stepped on a rusty nail, then what’s the point?  I guess we’ll find out tomorrow, unless we do a quick cut to Dirty Dyer on an airplane, crammed into coach, with his Safari hat lowered down over his face…