Home » Horsin' Around » Funny how they didn’t hear the copter approaching!

Funny how they didn’t hear the copter approaching!

Well, this isn’t much of a dramatic cliffhanger for a Saturday.  Mark calls that chopper a “roundup helicopter,” suggesting it is used by the Bureau of Land Management to gather wild horses. Mr. Mark Know-It-All could be jumping to conclusions:  That chopper might simply be a civilian Bell helicopter dropping off a VIP or some special supplies in the middle of the night. Hmmm….

Interestingly, the chopper does not display any running or landing lights. Of course, when drawn for the small-scale of a comic strip, artists have to make decisions about what to include.  For example, if this copter was actively searching, I’d expect to see its search light.

But this bit of melodrama is how the week ends. If Rivera follows her customary practice, she’ll focus on Cherry for a week before returning to the mane story of Mark, Diana, and Artemis. See: I can write those bad puns, too.

Art Dept. Much of the artwork today is rather dodgy and sketchy. However, I’ll give Rivera marks for at least some measure of attention. In panel 2, a tree in the background strongly leans away from the chopper, as it should when hit by the strong wind force (or downwash?) of the copter’s blades.

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