Home » Horsin' Around » Okay, what went “Krash”?

Okay, what went “Krash”?

First of all, glad to see that Rivera limited today’s strip to two panels to better emphasize the scope of the scene and the action. Now, I’m no energy expert, but wouldn’t dedicated electric transformers usually be in a protective cage of some sort, especially if they are so fragile?

The main plot point here is the brush fire created by the helicopter’s accidental destruction of the transformers. What, exactly krashed? And how is the helicopter is still flying? Whatever the contact, copters are difficult to fly in any situation, much less after an accident like this. Should we believe that a flexible movie screen did all this damage merely by brushing over it?  Did the copilot fall out?

Whatever the answer is, Mark Trail helped bring about this destruction and fire as a result of his trespass. At least, that is how lawyers are apt to put it to a judge if Mark gets arrested.  I reckon Mark has moved on from just destroying boats.

However preposterous the cause of this calamity, a grass fire is a dangerous and serious affair. A flying wind machine seems like the last thing you want to have near it. But, maybe the helicopter’s downdraft could be strong enough to blow out the fire if it is positioned correctly?

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