Home » Thanks-alotl! » Rusty gets played by Robbie

Rusty gets played by Robbie

I’m trying to not take credit for making such an obvious prediction for this plot development. I’m guessing 95% of you made the same prediction. So for that other 5%, “I TOLD YOU! AND I WUZ RIGHT!

Alas, in panel 4 Rusty internalizes: “That little thief!” What kind of kid talks like that?!? Maybe an adult does when talking about a kid. No, somebody like Rusty is more apt to mutter “Thanks-alotl, you g#dd@mn #(@)ing prick! Just wait until lunch, pond scum!” But like network TV, you have to clean up language in comic strips for the delicate minds of people who enjoy getting offended as an excuse to become offensive.

In spite of Rivera’s appreciated upgrading of Rusty’s personality and image from his past incarnation, he is still a gullible, insecure adolescent (like many kids in real life). It’s clear that Robbie is “Eddie” to Rusty’s “Beaver.” How will Rusty get his revenge? It can’t possibly be that the teacher will make them team up…?

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